Hospice Billing Change – Facility NPI

As of April 1, 2014 if revenue code 0656 is used along with HCPCS code Q5004, Q5005, Q5007 or Q5008 then the NPI number of the facility where the services are performed needs to be included in the Hospice ANSI 5010 billing.  These HCPCS codes indicate that the services were performed somewhere other than at the patient’s  home or your home health care agency.

To accommodate this, we have added a drop down box labeled “Outside Location Facility” in the patient visit entry screens which will be used for ANSI 5010 billing.  In order for a outside facility to appear in the drop down it must be setup under Hospitals/Facilities.

We have also added similar drop downs under Patients / Insurance / Hospice / Non-Routine Levels of Care.  If the outside facility is established under the Non-Routine Levels of Care section, the visits generated from posting Hospice routine visit days in the billing module will put the outside facility in the visits assuming you check the post non-routine days from patient insurance check box.

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