New Documentation Field for a Clinical Summary for 2015 Home Health Face to Face Encounters and Recertifications

Available with the current software versions in both the Main office and Clinical Point of Care Software, an additional tab screen has been added to the 485 Plan of Care and Physician Order (Special Type Face to Face Encounter).  The new tab is labeled Home Health Eligibility for agencies wishing to provide documentation of a Clinical Summary for the Certifying Physician to incorporate into their medical record to assist in meeting documentation requirements for the Medicare 2015 Face to Face Encounters.  Documentation will print on the 485 Plan of care and Physician Order/Face to Face Encounter under a heading “Clinical Summary/Recertification need and Duration.  As defined by the heading Home Health Agencies may also use the Eligibility tab to include a Recertification summary identifying a patient’s continued need and anticipated duration of services.

Agencies utilizing the Clinical Point of Care software will also have available for use the ‘Import (CA) Narrative’ button found on the Home Health Eligibility screen.  Documentation by a Clinician of a Clinical Summary, 60 Day Summary, Recertification need and duration, entered in the Narrative screen in Comprehensive Start of Care, Recertification, and Resumption of Care used as a Recertification assessment can be Imported to the Home Health Eligibility screen without a need to re-key the documentation.  Import is completed by selecting the ‘Import (CA) Narrative’ button.  A secondary screen will display by date Start of Care, Recertification, and Resumption of Care Comprehensive OASIS Assessments.  Select/highlight the date and activity then select the Import button.  The Documentation specific to the Narrative field in the Narrative screen will populate the Home Health Eligibility tab.

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