Current Version Update

The following versions are currently in place:
Updated with the Clinical Update:

  • Clinical: 738
  • Clinical Transfer Utility: 736

Updated with the HHC 3000 Software updater:

  • HHC 3000: 4585
  • Datapipe: 736 (only applies for those utilizing the Clinical Point of Care software)

All versions since the last posted version numbers have been maintenance releases fixing specific problems in the software. If you are experiencing bugs in a specific area of the software (and you are on an old version), please update to see if it resolves the issue you are experiencing. As always, if you are experiencing problems across the board in your software, please call for technical support and our technicians will help you to resolve the issue.

If you are experiencing difficulties with data transmission in the clinical software, please make sure that you have followed these steps:

  1. Update both sides (the HHC 3000 Software updater and the clinical laptop).
  2. Mark the information that did not transmit correctly using the “Submit Activities For Retransmit” button in the clinical software
  3. Transmit the information using the Clinical Transfer Utility

The recent changes to the software on both ends of the datapipe have resolved all data transmission issues that we had previously observed.

About SystemAdmin

CIO, Allegheny Software Publishers, Inc.
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