IP Update Instructions – Clinical Notebooks

The purpose of this posting is to inform you what needs to be done to the clinical notebooks so that they can begin transferring data through our new ftp site. These changes do not include the main office software. Instructions for the main office HHC3000 software and datapipe will be posted later today. Please note: This will allow the clinical notebooks to transmit, however, the information that they transmit will not be incorporated into the main system and new download files made available until after the update for the main system is made available later today. Despite this, we recommend obtaining the clinical notebook update as soon as possible on every notebook.

Users of the Clinical (Point of Care) software on the point of care laptops will need to obtain, run and install the file located here: http://ip.hhc3000.com/clinicalupdate.exe

This file must be downloaded and run to update the transfer utility. If running this utility on Windows Vista or Windows 7, you must run the file as an administrator by right-clicking on the file and selecting “Run as Administrator.” This is a one-time update. This update file/utility should be deleted after it is applied.

Other Information

Unfortunately, since changes were made that were outside of our control, we were forced to move quickly to limit this and future connectivity issues. While we were making the transition to the new service provider, we have also upgraded our security infrastructure to include encrypted data transfer via a protocol called SFTP. While we have been using HIPAA satisfying encryption on our files from the start, this change further enhances our ability to protect the transmission services we provide through the datapipe and regular HHC 3000 updates. The upgrade from standard FTP to SFTP protects the actual communication of the encrypted file (as well as the actual encrypted file itself). This expands our ability to isolate our services from disruption, taking us beyond the existing protection against data theft. While this shouldn’t require significant changes, a very small number of firewalls may block SSH communication on port 22. If your firewall does this, please open port 22 to We will be using this for SFTP transactions.

Thank you for your patience.

Allegheny Software Publishers
Technical Support

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