Hospice Late Submission of Notice of Election

Available with Main Office software versions dated 10/07/2014 or later Hospice Agencies submitting a late Notice of Election will need to complete additional data entry fields to meet new Medicare reporting requirements beginning October 1, 2014.  Additional data entry fields have been added for entry of the date range for visits and charges that are Medicare Non- covered due to the late submission of the Notice of Election.  The fields can be found in the Patient/ Insurance buttons, Hospice/ Election and Certification tab.  At the bottom of the screen fields are available to enter the dates.  The software will upon claim generation report Occurrence Span Code 77 with the date range.  The software will report any applicable routine or non-routine charges, Visits, and Medication refills as non-covered.  The KX modifier is available for entry in the same screen for those agencies requesting a review of the non-covered status due to late notice of election submission related to an extenuating circumstance.

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