Available with current Main Office software version 5726 dated 04/15/15 and Clinical Point of Care software version 2310 dated 04/14/15, new software features have been added to initiate supervisory visit tracking and warnings for responsible employees to better assist agencies in meeting Supervisory Visit requirements. To initiate tracking, a new check box has been added to each patient Demographics screen in the Current Therapies check box area. The check box is labeled “Track Supervisory Visits”. Once selected a secondary window will display. The agency will need to enter either the date tracking should begin or the date of the last supervisory visit. The frequency of the Supervisory Visit will then need selected from the programmed options of 14 days or 60 days. The next Supervisory Visit or due date will populate automatically when keying to the next data entry field. A small button with a picture of a hand is offered and once selected will import the date of the most current Home Health Aide Care Plan. The tracking is available for both Comprehensive Visit Assessments and Visits (Billing Record only) based upon use of the check box “Supervisory Visit Performed” found on the visit’s billing information screen.
Clinical Point of Care software users whose name has been entered as the Responsible Employee on the patient Demographics screen will receive an automatic “read only” screen upon signing into the clinical software. The screen will display Patients who require Supervisory Visits. The date of the last Supervisory visit, the due date for the next supervisory visit as well as the number of days remaining will also be included on the “read only” screen.
The Control Board in the Main Office software has been updated in the Activity section. A new Supervisory tab is now available. Patients who have been marked to track supervisory visits will display. Columns are available to view the Responsible employee, date of the Last Supervisory visit, date of the next Supervisory Visit and the date of the most current Home Health Aide Care Plan. Filters are available to modify the display by Responsible Employee or Due date. The last Supervisory visit and Home Health Aide Care Plan may be viewed and/or printed as need by the Home Health agency administrator or quality review personnel.
Agencies who will require Supervisory Visit tracking for all of their patients can mark all of their patients using a utility named “Mark Supervisory” in the Utilities menu screen. Employees with Full software access will be able to run this utility.