Agencies who are or will be submitting Medicare PPS claims for Pre-claim review will need to update the Main Office Software to Version 6022 dated 09/12/16.
Upon receipt of the provisional approval and Unique Tracking Number (UTN), agencies will need to enter the UTN in the ‘Edit PPS Billing screen for each PPS Billable Assessment. The UTN should be entered into the 2nd Auth/UTN field found in the section for ‘Final Bills Only’ PRIOR to creating and submitting the final claim. The software will place the UTN appropriately in the electronic final claim. The UTN will print immediately after the Treatment Authorization Code on the UB04. The UTN may overlap the boundaries of the field on the UB04 print form. As Palmetto GBA is the intermediary for states submitting pre-claim review and Palmetto GBA only accepts electronic claims, the overlap will only occur on printed UB04s kept for agency records.
As a reminder:
Agencies located in Illinois are to submit claims with a UTN for Start of Care dates August 3, 2016 or later.
Agencies located in Florida will start the pre-claim review process no earlier than October 1, 2016.
Agencies located in Texas will start the pre-claim review no earlier than December 1, 2016.
Agencies in Michigan and Massachusetts will start pre-claim review no earlier than January 1, 2017.