Agencies will need to have Main Office Software Version 6065 dated 12/21/16 and Clinical Point Of Care Software Version 2516 dated 12/21/16. Software Versions dated 12/21/16 or later will contain updates for all Medicare PPS billing and OASIS C2 changes. OASIS C2 changes will include data set items and XML file formatting. The software will use the M0090 date entered into the OASIS data entry field to determine if the record will be OASIS C1 or OASIS C2. OASIS with a M0090 date prior to January 1 2017 will be OASIS C1. OASIS with a M0090 date of January 1, 2017 or after will be OASIS C2.
A Helpful Reminder: If a clinician changes the M0090 date in their comprehensive OASIS document from a date prior to January 1, 2017 to January 1, 2017 or later, the comprehensive OASIS will switch from OASIS C1 to OASIS C2 automatically. The Clinician will need to review all OASIS Items and address all OASIS C2 to prevent errors.