Enhancements to the Create OASIS XML screen have been added with Main Office Software Version 6126 dated 04/06/2107. The enhancements will assist agencies in tracking the acceptance of OASIS XML files submitted to CMS. The Create OASIS XML screen can now be filtered by CMS Date. Additionally the screen can be filtered for assessments not accepted at CMS utilizing a new check box to indicate the assessment was accepted.
Agencies upon receipt of their CMS Validation Report may filter the Create OASIS XML screen for just those assessments contained in the Validation report by entering the CMS date and “Loading” the screen. Agencies can select the assessment accepted and select the Changes button found in the View screen. The CMS Assessment ID remains available for agencies to enter the Assessment ID for those assessments accepted. Additionally a check box has also been added. Agencies may select the check box to indicate the assessment was accepted.
Both theCMS Assessment ID and the Accepted check box will display as new columns in the Create OASIS XML screen.