Software Enhancement for Payroll Sick Time Accrual

Set Up, Tracking and inclusion on Pay Stubs of Payroll Accrual of Sick time is available with Main Office Software Version 6360 dated 09/19/2018 or later.
In Payroll/ Set Up/Other Payroll Set Up/Payroll Rates tab, Payroll sick pay accrual, agencies must complete the Number of Hours to work to accrue one hour of sick pay, Annual maximum accrual hours, System accrual start date, and the check to mark display accrual on pay stubs.
In Services, all services to be included in calculating the number of hours worked should be assigned a payroll category of Regular. Services considered sick pay must have a payroll category of sick pay applied for the software to know hoe many hours of sick time where used and should be subtracted from the accrual balance for an employee.
In Employee/Payroll/W2 tab agencies can enter a prior balance of accrued hours from another tracking system used prior to feature being available in the software. A balance button is available to track an employees current balance.
Annual maximum accrual hours are cumulative. For example, if the annual maximum is 56 hours per year the employee works 2 years without using any hours the employee balance is 112 hours.
The sick time accrual is included when the Payroll register report is generated or on the printed pay stub when payroll checks are generated.

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