On June 17, 2021, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) issued new Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) that specially apply to employers that provide “healthcare services”. The ETS address COVID-19 precautions and employer obligations. Some of the standards have an effective date of July 5, 2021.
Employers who fall under the scope of OSHA COVID-19 ETS are required to screen employees before each work day and/or shift for COVID-19 symptoms. Employers can determine what type of screening they use. The ETS requires employers to remove employees from the workplace who are COVID-19 positive, suspected to have COVID-19, been in contact with COVID-19 positive person, or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. More information on the OSHA ETS is available at www.osha.gov/coronavirus/ets. (29 CFR 1910, subpart U)
In response to the new standard related to employee screening, Allegheny Software has updated the COVID-19 Screening Tool available in the Main Software. The Employee Screening tool now has the additional screening questions required by ETS. (See below). The additional questions will be available on the tool for Employee Screenings dated on/after July 1, 2021. The updates to the tool are available with Main Software Version 6924.