New Home Health Agency Conditions of Participation Effective July 2017

Agencies will be well positioned to meet the new requirements in the Home Health Conditions of Participation through Allegheny Software Enhancements.

Detailed instructions for the enhancements and updates will be available through a button accessible from within the software with a version update available by the first week of April 2017.

Enhancements will be available for the development of a patient specific plan of care to include Orders, Patient Instruction and Teaching, and Goals to include patient strengths, care preferences and goals, patient designated responsible individual, primary caregiver and responsible practitioner following discharge from home health services, mental/ psycho social/ cognitive assessment , and risk for hospitalization.  Updates will include streamlined clinical documentation for interventions performed, patient/ caregiver response or changes in behavior, plan for next visit, ongoing progress toward goals as well as a multidisciplinary record of case management and care coordination activities.

Enhanced features and tracking to assist agencies in their development of Quality Assurance Improvement Programs to include Infections as well as Emergency Preparedness program will also be included.

Posted in Activities & Forms, All Messages, HHC 3000 Clinical Point of Care, HHC 3000 Office Software, Patients | Leave a comment

New Default Setting for M0150 OASIS Response

Agencies now have a new field in Insurances/Insurance Company tab to enter an OASIS M0150 Payment Source for each Insurance Company in the agency data base.  Once a default payment source is entered, the M0150 response will auto-populate based upon the Insurance company applied to the OASIS document being completed by agency staff.  The default will populate for both OASIS Only and Comprehensive OASIS documents.

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New System Security Setting for State Surveyors

Available with Main Office Software Version 6109 dated 02/22/2017, a new system security setting has been created specifically for State Surveyors.  State surveyors will only be able to access the Document View screen from the main Menu screen.  Agencies will need to add an Employee as State Surveyor in the Employee database.  In Set Up/System security select the surveyor Employee name and “Add”.  The software will assign the unique user ID.  The agency will need to update the password.  Once the User name and password has been completed, in the General tab, the new setting”Document View” will need either a 1 to only allow the surveyor to view documents or a 2 to allow the surveyor to view and print documents.

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Required Set up for New HIS Discharge Service Utilization Summary to be Effective April 1, 2017

Effective April 1, 2017 the HIS discharge will require agencies to report the number of visits performed by discipline on day of patient death and up to 7 days prior to death.

The service types to be included are:  Registered Nurse, LPN, MSW, Physician (also includes physician assistant and nurse Practitioner), Chaplain or Spiritual Advisor, Home health Aide

Service Code Stats Group options have been updated to include the additional options of Physician, Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant .

Sub group options have been historically available for the LPN.

Agencies will need to ensure they have the service code established for each of the listed visit types that will be included in the Utilization Summary.

Some of the visit types are not reported on claims such as the Chaplain or Spiritual visit.  Agencies will need to record these visits in the software.  If a service code is not already established for these visits, the software will not include any visit with a zero dollar billing amount on claims.    By leaving the Billing dollar amount in Service Setup as  $ 0.00 for the Chaplain service code, the agency will be able to record the visit for the utilization summary and ensure the visit is not included on a claim.

Agencies that utilize more than one service code with a stats group of HHA or RN or LPN and only certain of service codes for that group should be included in the Hospice HIS Discharge Service utilization Summary and additional check box has been added to the service set up screen.  For those service code not to be included in the service utilization, agencies should mark the check box, “Exclude from HIS Service Utilization Summary”.

Continue to monitor Allegheny Messages for further updates related to the HIS Admission and Discharge Item set availability.

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New QA Screen Is Available In The Control Board

A new QA screen is now available with Main Office software version dated 02/20/2017 or  later and Clinical Point of Care Software dated 02/15/2017 or later.

Agencies that have Quality Assurance designated personnel reviewing documentation for completeness, quality and/or coding, now have the option to utilize the new QA screen found in the Control Board.

MANAGED HOSTING ENVIRONMENT- Agencies utilizing the software in the Managed Hosting Environment will need to initiate an override in Set up/Clinical Set Up, “Turn on Managed hosting Clinical re-approvals”.  This will initiate a new screen in the Clinical Point of Care software allowing Clinicians to review documentation which has gone through the QA process in read only format and apply a final approval/electronic signature.

The QA Screen in the Main office software has multiple filters for date range and check boxes for specific document types.  Ultimately there are check box filters to exclude documents missing the initial approval and excluding documents already QA Reviewed.  Once filter criteria are selected, the software will save the items for future access to  the screen.    All a user needs to do is select the Load again.

The software will indicate opening the highlighted document will remove the clinician’s approval and open the document when the QA Open button is selected.  The software saves the original electronic approval and will include it with the original date and time stamp on any print form.  Updates can be made to the document.  Upon exiting the record, the software will ask if the record should be marked as QA reviewed.  Selecting” Yes”, will populate the date in the QA Date column in the grid for tracking and later for filtering to see only those documents not yet marked as QA Reviewed.

The QA Person will then Mark RA the record.   The record will be made available to the clinician in the Clinical Software making it available for review in read only format and for the clinician to place their final approval on the record.  The Re-approval screen will display automatically upon opening the Point of Care Software.  The Re-approval screen can also be accessed from a button found at the right side of the main Patient Listing screen.

In the Main Office software QA screen, the Status is updated removing the Approved status  and a check mark is placed in the RA check box column to indicate the document has been marked for Re Approval.

IN THE MANAGED HOSTING ENVIRONMENT ONLY, The QA person may Block the document at this time (prevents the clinician from opening the record /accessing the data entry fields from the Clinical software Patient Activity screen.

Clinicians will see the documents marked for re-approval upon logging into the clinical software in the Re-approve screen.  The document can be viewed, closed then the Approve button can be selected.  The clinician can then enter their approval password to place their final electronic approval.  Documents approved will drop off the grid.

The QA screen in Main system will now display the status as approved and the Re-approval date and time stamp will display.

When printed the documents will indicate the initial electronic approval and the final approval will print on the signature line with the date and time stamp of the final approval.


Agencies using the software installed on their own local server will see only Comprehensive OASIS and 485 documents list in the QA screen.

The QA screen will hold filters for the date range and check box filters to exclude documents missing the initial approval and excluding documents already QA Reviewed.  Once filter criteria are selected, the software will save the items for future access to the screen.    All a user needs to do is select the Load again.

The software will indicate opening the highlighted document will remove the clinician’s approval and open the document when the QA Open button is selected.  The software saves the original electronic approval and will include it with the original date and time stamp on any print form.  Updates can be made to the document.  Upon exiting the record, the software will ask if the record should be marked as QA reviewed.  Selecting” Yes”, will populate the date in the QA Date column in the grid for tracking and later for filtering to see only those documents not yet marked as QA Reviewed.

The QA Person will then Mark RA the record.   The record will be made available to the clinician in the Clinical Software in the Reapprove screen.  The document should be edited, reviewed and upon leaving the clinician will place their final electronic approval.


When printed the documents will indicate the initial electronic approval and the final approval will print on the signature line with the date and time stamp of the final approval.

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C3M Home Health Administrative Summary Screen Is Now Available in the Control Board

A new screen is now available by selecting the C3M button in the Control Board in the Main Office Software version 6103 dated 02/14/2017.  The C3M screen provides Home Health Agency Administrators the ability to visualize and track from one screen agency data for the current month and the last 3 months.  The data presented includes, the number of referrals received to the number of patient admissions, the number of visits performed for each Insurance company and the percentage the insurance company visits make up compared to the total visits provided by the Home health Agency.  The screen will also display a summary of the number of each type of OASIS Assessments completed  as well as the average Case Mix Weight for the month’s Start of Care’s and Recertifications.

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Activity Record Clean up

Agencies who have reported issues with records that can be found at the bottom of a patient activity screen can now utilize a new clean up utility with Main Office software version 6101 dated 02/07/2017.    Agencies are welcome to call Allegheny Software for further assistance or utilize the clean up option called “Correct Activity Records” that can be found at the bottom of the System Cleanup screen accessed through Utilities on the Main Menu screen.

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Texas Medicaid Plan of Care Effective 12-10-2016

The updated Texas Medicaid Plan of Care effective 12-10-2016 is now available with Main Office Software Version 6100 dated 02-06-2017 and Clinical Point of Care Software version 2536 dated 02-06-2017

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A new PECOS File is now available for download.

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Incident Reporting

Available with Clinical point of care software version 2531 dated 01/24/17, Clinicians can create an incident report.  A new button has been added to the visit assessment screen where clinicians can currently create physician orders, progress notes and communication notes while also documenting their visit assessment.  The new button is labeled “I”.

Once Clinician complete documentation of the incident, Incident reports will display only in an administrative screen found in the main office software version 6090 dated 01/24/17.  The Incident report screen may be accessed through the Control Board/Pt Status and selecting the “!” tab.  Incident reports can be reviewed and updated with the results of the investigation into the incident.  Incident reports can also be printed for submission into state systems.

Incident Reports are not saved to or accessible through the patient medical record.

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