Verbal Start of Care, Recertification and Resumption of Care Orders for Continued Services

Available with Clinical Point of care software version 2558 dated 04/07/2017, Physician orders added from inside a Start of Care Comprehensive OASIS Assessment will now default to a Verbal SOC special type.  The Physician Order Special type will default to Resumption of Care or Recertification when the physician order is added from inside the Resumption of Care or Recertification OASIS Comprehensive Assessments respectively.

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Enhancements to the Create OASIS XML Screen

Enhancements to the Create OASIS XML screen have been added with Main Office Software Version 6126 dated 04/06/2107.  The enhancements will assist agencies in tracking the acceptance of OASIS XML files submitted to CMS.  The Create OASIS XML screen can now be filtered by CMS Date.  Additionally the screen can be filtered for assessments not accepted at CMS utilizing a new check box to indicate the assessment was accepted.

Agencies upon receipt of their CMS Validation Report may filter the Create OASIS XML screen for just those assessments contained in the Validation report by entering the CMS date and “Loading” the screen.  Agencies can select the assessment accepted and select the Changes button found in the View screen.  The CMS Assessment ID remains available for agencies to enter the Assessment ID for those assessments accepted.  Additionally a check box has also been added.  Agencies may select the check box to indicate the assessment was accepted.

Both theCMS Assessment ID and the Accepted check box will display as new columns in the Create OASIS XML screen.

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Physician Orders- Information Copies Can Be Generated For Other Ordering Physicians For Care Coordination

Agencies now have the ability to generate 2 or 3 print forms of a physician order with Main Office Software version 6124 dated 04/05/2017 and Clinical Point of Care Software version 2557 dated 04/05/2017.  Agencies providing care coordination for a patient with multiple physicians can continue to generate a physician order for an order change with a signature for the Physician making the order change.  The enhancement will allow agencies to also generate Information Copies to send as a notification of the order change to other ordering physicians for Care Coordination.   Two additional drop down fields have been added in the Physician order to generate the Information Copy of an order change to send to other physicians who may also be actively ordering services for an agency patient.  The field is ” Info Copy”.  Agencies will enter the other physician(s) from the agency database the agency needs to notify of an order change.  The Print copy with the physician signature line would be retained for the Physician listed on the order itself for the physician to sign like usual.  The software will now also print additional Information Copy to any physician listed in the new Info Copy fields.  The Copy will include notation of the ordering physician with notation “Original order was sent to”.  No signature line will be included on the Information copy.

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DC Medicaid Eligibility File

Main Office Software Version  6123 Dated 04/03/2017 Agencies may generate a 270 Eligibility file for DC Medicaid.  The file will require completion of Patient specific data entry in the software to include, the patient ID and Name, Primary Insurance, Insurance ID, Date of Birth, and Gender.

Eligibility files can be generated in the Billing module/ ANSI 270 Eligibility button.  Required fields for completing the Report Parameters screen include:  Type of Eligibility file to Create should be selected as ANSI 270 Electronic (CMS),  the Type of ANSI File should display D.C.Medicaid, The Insurance Company field will need to contain the Insurance Company from the agency set up, and the Date Range.

Agencies will also need to  enter the first letter for a range of the patient names to be included in the file.  DC Medicaid allows only 90 patients per file.  Depending on the number of patients in the agency data base to have the eligibility check, a file for a limited alphabetical range may be needed.

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Clinical Point of Care Patient Demographics and Medical Information Screen Enhancements

Clinical Point of Care Software version 2556 dated 04/03/2017 will contain enhancements to the Patient Demographics and Medical Information screens.  In the Patient Demographics, enhanced Alerts and precautions are now available.  An Additional field to document 2 Pharmacies for a Patient in the Physician screen has been added.  A patient selected Funeral Home documentation field is now available int he Medical Information screen.  Emergency Contact screen has been updated to include designations for two of the Emergency contacts to check POA and DPOAHC.  Two additional Other Contacts and the Patient Next of Kin has been added.

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HIS Admission and Discharge Effective April 1, 2017

Hospice Agencies will need Main Office Software version 6121 dated 03/27/17 and Clinical point Of Care Software version 2552 dated 03/28/17 for the updated HIS Admission and HIS Discharge effective April 1, 2017.  Agencies will need to complete the Patient Race found on each patient demographic screen by accessing the “R” button and marking all Races that apply.  The HIS Item A1000 has been added to the same section as M0140.  Agencies will also be required to complete the patient’s Payer Source A1400 for the HIS Admission.  The Item can be found only in the Main Office Software Patients/Insurance/Hospice/Election Certification and CAHPS tab.  If the patient’s zip code, where care is provided is different from the patient’s zip code entered as the address in the Demographics screen, an override can be found in the same location just above the A1400 item.

All new HIS Admission items have been added to the HIS Item set with skip patterns.

The His Discharge has been updated with an additional tab in the main Office software only to accommodate the new items.  Agencies should follow the previous instructions posted on Allegheny Messages related to setting up and updating services to accommodate the HIS Discharge Service Utilization.   The previous post was titled Required Set Up for New HIS Discharge Service Utilization Summary.  The post was Dated 02/21/20017.  Once Services are updated and visits by discipline are entered into the software, agencies will need only select the “Pull Patient Visits” button to populate the number of visits by specific discipline for the day of death and  up to 6 days prior to death.

There will be no new changes to creation of the HIS xml files.

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A new PECOS file is now available for download.

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The OG Worksheet can now be accessed from the 485/Plan of Care data entry screen

The OG worksheet can now be accessed from the data entry screens of the 485/Plan of Care with Main Office Software Version 6120 dated 03/22/2017.  The OG Worksheet is a grey button that can be found at the top of the 485/Plan of Care data entry screen.  Once the OG Worksheet button is selected and the OG Worksheet Screens display agencies can develop or select Orders, labeled in red, and goals, labeled in blue.  Agencies will select the  ‘Post  OG worksheet’ button in the Orders screen of  458/Plan of Care data entry screen to populate the selected or developed orders.  Agencies will select the ‘Post OG Worksheet’ button in the Goals screen of the 485/Plan of Care data entry screen to populate the developed Goals.

Helpful Hint:  When using the OG Worksheet to save any added data in the OG Worksheet screens , use the “TAB” key on your computer key board to move your cursor to the next data entry field and your previous data entry will be saved.

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New Fields in the 485/Plan of Care

New fields in the 485/Plan of Care are available with Main office software version 6120 dated 03/22/2017 and Clinical Point of Care software version 2551 dated 03/22/2017 due to the new Conditions of Participation effective in July of 2017.  The Mental status section has been updated and can now be accessed by a new tab button found at the top of the 485/Plan of Care data entry screen labeled Mental Psych.  The new section will be labeled mental/Psychosocial and Cognitive status.  Agencies utilizing the Point of Care software Comprehensive assessments will see fields with a new red label in the Neuro/Psych system assessment section.  These red labeled fields will pull to the 485/Plan of Care when the 485/Plan of Care is created.  Additionally the Mental Behavioral status, Cognitive Performance, Social Skills data entry fields and  the memo field on the Neurological tab will also pull to the 485/Plan of Care when created from the comprehensive assessment.

The Goals screen has been updated to include also documentation of the Patient Goals and Expectations/ care preferences.

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The Intervention Guide is now available to assist agencies in meeting clinical documentation requirements

The Intervention Guide is now available with  Clinical Point of Care Software version 2550 dated 03/20/17 and Main Office Software  version 6119 dated 03/20/17.

Intervention Guide training video is now available.  If your agency has not received training video access, please contact Allegheny Software Publishers, Inc.

The Intervention guide can be added at the patient’s Start of Care by the clinician using the point of care software.  The intervention guide can be found at the bottom of the New Activity screen accessed through the green plus button in each patient Activity screen.  Once the certification period is entered, Interventions can be populated by selecting the patient diagnosis or primary problem when the “add” button is selected.

Interventions are visit specific based upon evidence based best practice recommendations utilizing the nursing process with motivational interviewing techniques to promote patient engagement and self management. The software allows documentation of patient specifics/individualization for each intervention as needed as well as the ability to remove intervention not appropriate for the patient.  Interventions are available each visit as alerts in each of the system assessment sections.  Updates to each intervention can be completed each visit in the Alert screen which will automatically update the patient progress toward goals tab in the skilled nursing visit assessment.  Interventions can be used to document the interventions performed during the visit and patient response to previous interventions in the narrative section by using the Import Interventions button.  The plan for the next visit can be developed through the same import interventions button by using the Next check box column.

Goals for the patient episode can be imported into the Intervention Guide from the patient Plan of care.  Goals for the episode are available in the Intervention guide alerts screen in the skilled nursing visit assessments.  Updates can be entered for goals throughout the course of the episode.

All clinicians can add a Communication note to update the Intervention Guide from the alert screen by selecting the ‘Comm Note’ button providing a record of case management and care coordination by all clinicians and disciplines providing care to the patient.

The main Office software/Control Board/Pt Status/Intervention Guide tab  allows all patient Intervention guides to be reviewed and updated for Case conferences and interdisciplinary meetings.

The Intervention guide can assist agencies in meeting updated Condition of Participation clinical documentation requirements.

Future enhancements will be shortly available with automation of patient specific/individualized orders, teaching and goal creation for the Plan of care as well as including Patient identified goals for the episode of care.

Agencies who wish to establish their own agency specific interventions should contact Allegheny Software Publishers, Inc.

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