
Available with software version updates released on 8/12/2014 and later, Addendums will now be available for all types of Visit Assessments, PT, OT and MSW Assessments.  Documents not marked as completed will be automatically completed by the software 48 hours from the date the document was added.  The software will prevent data entry directly in the documentation fields of the document.  An Addendum will be required.  Clinicians utilizing the Clinical Point of Care Software will receive a warning screen upon access to the software listing documents nearing the automatic completion time point that will require use of an Addendum.  There will also be an additional button at the bottom of the Patient listing screen where clinicians can access the same information.

Posted in Activities & Forms, All Messages, Current Software Version Update, HHC 3000 Clinical Point of Care, HHC 3000 Office Software | Leave a comment

Patient Database Change to the Grid format

Beginning with HHC 3000 Main Office software version available on Tuesday August 12, 2014, the Patients database will default to the Grid format as described in previous Allegheny Messages post.

An additional button has been added to sort the Patient Grid by the Patient ID.  The button will then default to allow the software user to return the Patient grid to the  alphabetic patient listing.

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Delay of the Patient Database Change to the Patient Grid Format

Due to server upgrades being performed this week at Allegheny Software Publishers, Inc., the change of the Patient Database to the Patient Grid format has been delayed.  We are anticipating the change will be made with a software version update either late this week or next week.  Please monitor Allegheny Messages for further details.

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Addendums for all Visit Assessment Types, HHA Care Plan, PT, OT, and MSW Assessments

In approximately 2 weeks the software will begin to require an addendum for all visit assessment types, HHA care Plans, PT, OT and MSW assessments.  When clinicians exit one of the listed document types, the clinician will be asked if the document is complete.  If ‘YES’ is selected the software will not allow the document to be opened to the data entry fields.  Instead the clinician will be required to select the Addendum button to complete the data entry of the correction or late entry.  If the agency is using the Electronic Approval feature, clinicians will still electronically approve the original document.  Clinicians will be asked to electronically approve all addendums.  The print form will include the original document and electronic approval along with any addendums and the electronic approval.  If the clinician answers ‘NO’ to the question “Is this document complete?”, the software will give the clinician until the end of the next calendar day to complete the documentation.  After that time point the software will require any additional documentation to be made as an addendum.  In the Point of care software, only the employee who created a document will be able to make an addendum to that document.  The ability to attach an addendum to a document in the main office software will require an additional system security setting for the allowed employee.

Addendums for OASIS and Hospice (CA) documents will be released at a later time.  Please monitor Allegheny Messages for further updates for Addendums to OASIS documents and Hospice Assessments

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The Patient Database will change to the Patient Grid format

Beginning with the HHC 3000 Software version to be released on Tuesday, August 5, 2014, the Patient Database will by default display in the Grid Format.  For each Patient record to be accessed, users will highlight the patient name and select the open button in the upper right corner of the screen or double click with the computer mouse on the highlighted patient name.  Users will need to Exit the patient record and return to the grid to access the next patient record.  Multiple filters have been provided in the patient grid allowing users to modify what patients display.  The Grid is currently available for use  and displays as a small button in the upper right corner of the Patients button on the Main Menu screen of HHC 3000.

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Creating HIS Files

Hospice agencies will need to have Main Office software version 5515 or later when creating HIS files for submission to the ASAP system relating to item J0900 D.  Clinical Software Version 2235 will also reflect the change.

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Creating HIS Files

Hospice agencies will need to have Main Office software version 5511 or later when creating HIS files for submission to the ASAP system due to additional updates to the xml file format created by the software.

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Creating HIS Files

Hospice agencies will need to have Main Office software version 5504 or later when creating HIS files for submission to the ASAP system due to additional updates to the xml file format created by the software.

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HIPAA Security Standards Software Enhancements

In the Coming weeks Allegheny Software will be releasing software enhancements to assist agencies in compliance with the HIPPA Security Standards.

Additional Audit Controls and Information System Activity Reports offered will include reports of  Software User Log In /Out with Date and Time Stamp and workstation name.  The Patient database screen will default to the “Grid” format.  Audit log reports of user access to patient information will include the Patient, the software User, date and time stamp and the workstation name.  Enhancements to the I/O button will add the workstation name with notations when a document was initiated or edited.  The I/O button currently tracks and reports the software user both Main office and Clinical Point of Care who accessed a highlighted document in a patient activity grid.  The I/O button includes the date and time of the user entry and exit to the document.  This is currently a printable report.

System Security Setup will be enhanced to require a user security setting for each Listing, Historical and Billing report.  Tracking will be provided to generate an audit log of the software user, date and time stamp, and workstation name who printed a report including the parameters used.  CSV and Excel export files generated will also be included in the audit log.

Access to Comprehensive documentation will be modified.  Documents will be saved and locked when programmed criteria have been met.  For example, Electronically Approved documents for those agencies utilizing this feature and after aging 24 hours from the original document date for visit assessments.  OASIS documents will be locked after aging the maximum time allowed for completion by CMS guidance.  An Addendum will be provided allowing data entry of the corrections or late entry.  The Addendum will require the Electronic approval of the User making the Addendum (for those agencies utilizing the feature) as well as recording the software user name, date and time stamp.  Addendums to Comprehensive OASIS documents correcting OASIS questions will only be made in the Main office software.  The specific OASIS question must be designated and then changed.  The software will log the User name, date and time stamp, Value prior to change and the Value after change.  The logged change will be included in the correction OASIS file created by the software for submission to the state.

Use of the software Import Feature will include additional print notation on documents generated using the Import Feature.  The software will print the source document (the historical document that is imported into a new document) and the source document’s original date on the newly added document.

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Creating HIS Files

Hospice agencies will need to have Main Office software version 5503 or later when creating HIS files for submission to the ASAP system due to additional updates to the xml file format created by the software.

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