Required Update for Clinical Point of Care Software

Regular server based Main office and Clinical Point of Care software users who are utilizing the Electronic Approvals feature and marking assessments in the main office for Re-approval by clinicians in the Clinical Point of Care software will need to update the Clinical Software to the most current Clinical software version 2261,  dated 11/5/2014.  The update will correct a bug that has occurred in the software during the download of the assessment marked for re-approval that prevented the patient diagnosis from being included in the assessment data downloading back to the clinical point of care computer.

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Additional Changes to the Cert Period Control Board

Additional changes have been made to the Cert Period Control Board with software version updates dated 10/27/14 or later.  The display of each discipline specific documentation will now be controlled via filter options found across the top of the control board screen.  The Therapy/Nursing and HHA/MSW Comm. buttons will no longer be available.  Upon selection of a discipline filter, the selected discipline activities will display across the entire width of the control board screen.  The additional width will accommodate the new check box columns allowing a visual reference for activities with  Addendums, Attachments, and/or Oxygen Risk Assessment documentation.  A check in the O2 column for an activity  indicates the Oxygen Risk assessment documentation was completed.  A check in the Add column for an activity indicates there is an addendum to the documentation.  A check in the Att column indicates there is an attachment available with the activity.  To view the attachment, highlight the activity and select the Att button found just to the right of the list of discipline specific activities.  Users can then select the actual attachment to view.  The O2, Add, and Att check box columns are also now available in the Patient Activity Screen.  The CIS (Create Initial Schedules) button for each discipline has been moved to the bottom left corner of the discipline specific activity display screen.

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Enlarged Patient Database screens

Beginning with software version updates available after 10/23/14, Allegheny Software Publishers, Inc. has enlarged the data entry screens found within the Patient Database to accommodate many of the new upgrades to the software.

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New Oxygen Risk Assessment

Available with Clinical Point of Care software versions dated 10/8/2014 or later, clinicians will be able to document a Oxygen Risk Assessment for applicable patients.  The Oxygen Risk Assessment will be available as an additional tab within the Respiratory system button in Visits and OASIS assessments.  Clinicians will have a check box to indicate the Oxygen Risk Assessment is applicable.  Once documentation is completed the Oxygen Risk assessment will be available on the print form.  If the check box is left unchecked the Oxygen Risk assessment will not be included in the documentation screens or the print form.

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Hospice Late Submission of Notice of Election

Available with Main Office software versions dated 10/07/2014 or later Hospice Agencies submitting a late Notice of Election will need to complete additional data entry fields to meet new Medicare reporting requirements beginning October 1, 2014.  Additional data entry fields have been added for entry of the date range for visits and charges that are Medicare Non- covered due to the late submission of the Notice of Election.  The fields can be found in the Patient/ Insurance buttons, Hospice/ Election and Certification tab.  At the bottom of the screen fields are available to enter the dates.  The software will upon claim generation report Occurrence Span Code 77 with the date range.  The software will report any applicable routine or non-routine charges, Visits, and Medication refills as non-covered.  The KX modifier is available for entry in the same screen for those agencies requesting a review of the non-covered status due to late notice of election submission related to an extenuating circumstance.

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Control Board Upgrades

Available with Main Office and Clinical Point of Care Software Version updates dated 10/1/2014 or later, several upgrades have been added to the Control Board.  A new button is available from the Main Menu screen of the software for the Cert. Period Control Boards allowing users to work specifically with the Control Board for an agency’s patients.  The Patient Control field will allow selection of a specific patient from the agency database.  The function of the Control Record, 485, Therapy, Nursing, HHA and MSW sections remain unchanged.  The CIS button will now allow a user to visualize for an employee being scheduled the number of visits already scheduled for a particular day.  A new SR button has been provided on the main control board screen and within the CIS screen which will provide access to the Schedule Roster screen.  The Schedule Roster screen will allow a scheduler to view and manipulate (transfer or reassign) scheduled visits for both patient and employees.  A new field has been added to the Schedule Roster screen allowing selection of a specific Patient.  Applying the filter will display only the employees assigned by discipline from the Therapy screen for that patient.  When the SR button is selected from with in the CIS screen the patient name will default to the patient whose visits are being scheduled.  The’ PPS What if’ button is now available from the main Control Board screen to assist in evaluating margin estimates with the anticipated visits for a patient episode.  Both Patient and Employee schedule calendars have been added in key access areas to assist in coordinating and manipulating schedules.

Agencies utilizing the software in the Managed Hosting environment will now be able to indicate for a specific employee from their Clinical Workstation settings in the MISC tab of the employee database that the Employee cannot add schedules or visits in the Clinical Point of Care software.   These specified employees will only be able to convert a scheduled visit created in the main office to a visits and attach physical assessment data.  This provides agencies with the ability to manage patient schedules and visit frequency from the Control Board in the main office software.  If an additional visit or scheduled visit is required through the course of the episode the scheduled visit must be added from the main office.  The software will prompt the user for the additional generation of a Physician Order.  A new button in the Control Board will provide Warnings for visits with Order required/Not sent, Order required/Not returned, Order required/Signed, and Order Required/denied.  These warnings coincide with an additional field available for completion within the Scheduled Visit screen in the main software for the Additional Visit Order Status.

Posted in Activities & Forms, All Messages, HHC 3000 Clinical Point of Care, HHC 3000 Office Software, Patients, Schedules & Unverifieds | Leave a comment

Attachments in the Clinical Software Managed Hosting Environment only

Beginning with Clinical software version 2250, dated 9/10/2014, Clinical software users in the Managed Hosting Environment will have the Attachments feature available for use.  Clinicians will be able to view an attachment to a highlighted activity in a patient Activity grid.  The attachment button can be found at the top of the activity grid.  Clinicians may also Add an Attachment to a Patient activity as per the instructions given in the June 4, 2014 Allegheny Message post for Attachments.  When Adding an attachment, the originally saved document does not get automatically deleted when attached to a document in the software.  Agencies will be responsible for securing the originally saved documents on the mobile devices.

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Beginning October 1, 2014 the software will no longer allow an employee password of “PASSWORD”.  On this date, as the employee logs into HHC 3000 the software will provide a reset screen allowing entry of a new password that meets recommended strong password criteria.

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Addendums Update

Available with software version updates released 8/21/14 or later, two overrides are now available that are specific to Addendums.  Addendums as a new feature were requested by several agencies.   Software capability to provide an original document date and signature along with any subsequent late entries or corrections was needed due to  requests by state surveyors and for instances when medical record reviews were requested.  Addendums have also been provided to assist agencies with HIPAA requirements related to data integrity standard 164.312 (c)(1) in the security Standards, Technical Safeguards as agencies “implement policies and procedures to protect electronic protected health information from improper alteration or destruction”.  As guidelines for clinical note writing and incorporation into the clinical record can differ according to state or other certifying body regulations, a new override has been added to allow an agency to indicate a different time frame for document locking then the default of 48 hours.  Agencies will be able to enter 3-14 days.  The override can be found in Other Set up, System Overrides tab, Security tab.  In the same tab we have also added an override to turn off Addendums as a feature for those agencies who have determined/documented the feature is not needed to maintain document integrity and/or may have other policies and procedures in place to maintain original document dates and signature and capture document addendums.

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Patient Schedules & Visits

Available with software version updates released 8/21/14 or later, a new screen is available from the Main Menu screen of HHC 3000 for software users who only manage patient scheduled, unverified, and visits for patients.  Patient Schedules & Visits screen, when a patient name is selected, will display all visits, scheduled visits and unverified visits for that patient.  Scheduled visits when edited can be converted to a Visit record or a Missed Visit Note can be generated directly from the displayed screen.  An additional button will also be available to transfer a scheduled visit to a verified visit based upon the billing information displayed in the Schedules, Unverified Visits and Visits original screen.

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