The OG Worksheet can now be accessed from the 485/Plan of Care data entry screen

The OG worksheet can now be accessed from the data entry screens of the 485/Plan of Care with Main Office Software Version 6120 dated 03/22/2017.  The OG Worksheet is a grey button that can be found at the top of the 485/Plan of Care data entry screen.  Once the OG Worksheet button is selected and the OG Worksheet Screens display agencies can develop or select Orders, labeled in red, and goals, labeled in blue.  Agencies will select the  ‘Post  OG worksheet’ button in the Orders screen of  458/Plan of Care data entry screen to populate the selected or developed orders.  Agencies will select the ‘Post OG Worksheet’ button in the Goals screen of the 485/Plan of Care data entry screen to populate the developed Goals.

Helpful Hint:  When using the OG Worksheet to save any added data in the OG Worksheet screens , use the “TAB” key on your computer key board to move your cursor to the next data entry field and your previous data entry will be saved.

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