Required Main and Clinical Point of Care Software Restructure for ICD 10 Implementation

Main and Clinical Software version updates performed on or after 8/18/15 will require additional restructuring for ICD 10 implementation.  This is a one time event.

Main office software updates may take up to an additional 30 minutes to perform the restructure.  Agencies with a large volume of comprehensive documentation may take up to 3 hours or more.  Please allow the additional time frame,  based upon the volume of documentation, to complete the update.  Once the responsible employee completes the update process, they must open the software.  Restructuring will then begin.  No other employee should open the software during the restructure.  Opening the software during the restructure will cause errors and require additional technical support.  Agencies utilizing the Clinical Point of Care software with the data pipe for data synchronization, will need to turn off the data pipe while the restructure is occurring.

Clinical software updates will also require restructuring.  Clinical software restructures may take up to 5 minutes to complete.  Clinicians will be asked to restructure upon opening the clinical software after the update to the current version number has been completed.  Clinicians should select the ‘YES’ option in the window with the prompt to restructure.

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